Monday, June 1, 2009

Medieval Markets and Steam Railroads

At the Medieval Market

A lot of people in Germany are into medieval reenactement and events in this field are quite popular. This morning I have been to such an event, a medieval market at Burg Katzenstein which is a castle on the Haertsfeld not too far from Heidenheim and Aalen.

"Showroom" of an armourer

There are lots of things on such a medieval market especially old craftmanship: blacksmiths, makers of armoury, bakers, mead makers and things. There is also a lot of music and U can get old fashioned food and drinks as well as medieval clothing and utitilities.

The armourers workplace

These markets are normaly on weekends and this one lasts until today becaus we actually have a long weekend. Whitsun Monday always is a workfree day here as well as Easter Monday. So the Medieval Market at Burg Katzenstein wasn't the only event this weekend.

A crew of lansquenets passing by with pipes and drums

An old narrow gauge railroad line used to be near the place of the market and a number of people are reactivating at least a part of it. They already have restored about two miles of the line and operate it as a museal railroad. Trains were on duty there today and lots of people came to take a ride on the historical railroad.  

The train is coming!

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