Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

It's still a bit chilly but, no doubt, spring is here to stay. Yesterday I not only replanted my chili plants into yoghurt cups but also chipped the first vegetable patch. I guess, this week I will bring out the first seeds of the year.

This morning we went to curch  at 5.00 a.m. Our new, quite young preacher we got a couple of years ago introduced a very impressing way to celebrate the resurecction of Jesus. If you come to church a fire is burning in front of the door and its almost completely dark in it.  At first some young girls read from the part of the bible where Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemame. Everytime after a short part of the text the readings stops and the community sings together "Stay with me, be ake with me, be awake and pray..." In the same way they read from Jesus' trial,  from the Exodus and finally from the Resurection and the empty tomb as well as about the Risen appeared to his disciples.

Then we all went to the front part of the church to light the candles we had gotten at the door. At the same time dawn was coming and after the Lord's Supper we finished our service with some more singing and praying. Afterwards the visitors where invited to a comfy breakfast into the parish hall. It was really a great celebration and one more time I didn't regret to have got up at half past four in the morning. The only thing I don't like is that our parish always uses a modern version of the bible wit a text in modern German. I really prefer the celebrational and maybe a bit old-fashioned German of the good old Luther Bible.